April 2009


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4/1: Fletcher and Cooper were playing with a ball at Uncle Jim's house.  Fletcher ran after it and got it and said "I got ball."  This is his first sentence.


4/2: Fletcher got the box of Captain Crunch while I was doing some laundry.  When I came back into the family room, he had dumped almost the entire box of Captain Crunch onto the coffee table and was eating it.   He looked up at me and said "Oh no" and then tried to shove as much of it in his mouth as he could.


Fletcher really started saying a lot more words this month.  He has started using our names a lot more.  Mama, Dada, "Boopah" (Cooper), baby (he won't try to say Fletcher yet), apple, doggie, more, down, up...  He's also shaking his head yes and no.


Playing ball at Uncle Jim's place in Fort Collins



Cooper had fun playing kickball at G&G W's house with cousins Adam, Sarah, Michaela, and Daniel and Aunt Mary Beth.




Playing with Grandma W in Rockford.





Grandpa T and Cooper have both started reading more lately.



Coloring Easter eggs at G&G T's house. This is Fletcher's first time coloring.






Easter Sunday. Fletcher's first Easter Egg hunt.  We tried to throttle Cooper down so Fletcher could get a few.







Cooper gave up ice cream for Lent. It was tough. He got a big treat on Easter Sunday.



Hanging out with Grandpa T



Cooper was part of the color guard at his Cub Scout pack meeting.  He was nervous. That's him all the way to the right of the photo.



Playing with Cooper's backpack.



Fletcher enjoys corn-on-the-cob now.  He'll eat about anything.



Fletcher really likes going to the park near our house.  He really likes these slides and will go up the stairs and slide down almost by himself.



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