March 2009


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3/4: Fletcher figured out how to climb up on his cube slide and then slide down.  He did it about 50 times in a row and had a ball.  The first 20 times or so he would grab my hand and have me walk him back to the back, then he decided he could do it himself.  He would get to the bottom and smile and look at me and I would say "Are you going to do it again?" and he would give me a big smile and shake his head yes vigorously.


3/6: Fletcher moved a baby wipes box over near the couch and then used it as a step to get up on the couch.


3/6: Fletcher went to the pantry door and tried to open it.  Then he came over to me and grabbed me and said "Cook."  He wanted a cookie.


3/7: Fletcher brought a stuffed animal duck to me and said "Guck"


3/23: Fletcher is a big fan of Cooper.  He does whatever Cooper does.  Cooper started marching around the house saying "Hut, two, three"  Fletcher started following Cooper and then started saying "hu, two, tee"  They marched around the house giggling and having a ball.


3/25: Fletcher was in the family room playing with Cooper. Cooper did something and said "Yes!"  Fletcher then started saying "Yes!"   Later, Fletcher was sitting in the family room playing while Tom and Cooper were playing Wii.  Tom did something good and said "Oh yeah".  Fletcher then started saying "Oh yeah"


3/28: Tom was trying to put Fletcher to bed because Michelle had run to the store.  They were rocking in his room and reading books.  Fletcher was not happy because he was not nursing.  He heard the garage door and pointed to his bedroom door and said "Mama".  Then Michelle came into his room and took him from Tom.  She told him to give Daddy a kiss.  He quickly threw a kiss to Tom.  Tom then tried to give him a hug and a kiss, but Fletcher quickly put out his hand and said (very clearly) "Bye!"


3/30: The tip of Fletcher's lower right canine is just poking through.


3/31: Fletcher brought me a little stuffed animal and said "Gi-gah"  It was a tiger.


3/31: Fletcher came over to me and said "Ca-tin"  I thought I knew what he wanted but wanted to see for sure, so I asked him to say it again and show me what he wanted.  He took me over to the pantry and tried to open the door.  When I opened it he reached in and grabbed a box of Captain Crunch cereal and said "Ca-tin"  Tom had given him some the day before and he really liked it.


Fletcher loves to go outside to play on his slide, swing, and with chalk.




Fletcher is becoming a little more fun for Cooper and Coop is showing and doing more things with him.



Asleep at his meal.  Fletcher continues to eat everything.  Cold green beans are his favorite still.



 Cooper's first pinewood derby car.  He liked picking out the design and painting the car but otherwise did not get into the building process.



Visiting with Teresa from Hawaii





Pinewood Derby race day.  Cooper's car was not very fast and Coop was disappointed. The top cars earned trophies and Cooper wondered why he didn't get one since every kid gets trophies in sports.



Sitting in an actual dinosaur footprint at Dinosaur Ridge!





Fletcher loves music and dancing. This dollhouse has a button that plays music. Fletch continuously pushes the button and dances.  




Sierra and Fletcher.  Cooper mostly played with Sierra's brother Grant and Sierra could not get enough of Fletcher.   



Cooper loved playing with Sierra and Grant who visited us during their ski vacation. Cooper has really started to enjoy skiing.  He can go down greens (fast) and blues now. 




After some nice Spring weather we got dumped on with snow.  Fletcher really liked sledding in our backyard.




Cooper is starting to read books to Fletch which they both really like.



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