February 2008


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2/2: Cooper went skiing for the first time.  He was in the Kroozer's program at Keystone, CO


2/19: Cooper and Dad were playing spy.  Cooper pulled out his notebook and said "By my calculations...."  Later in the game, Dad said he could carry the notebook.  Cooper handed it to him and then turned back around and said "You do read French, don't you?"


2/21: Cooper had pictures at school today and we needed to choose from five poses.  We had picked out a pose for him and I told him which one and he wanted a different one and said "Mom, I just need some freedom".  So we let him pick.


2/17: Fletcher ate solid food for the first time - rice cereal.  He did not really like it much.  He seemed fussy for the next few days as though it might bother his tummy.


2/25: Fletcher rolled from his tummy to his back for the first time.



Cooper's first time skiing.  We went to Keystone, CO.  He loved it and thought he was pretty good. On his last run of the day he wiped out, was crying, and stated that he never wanted to ski again (that sentiment did not last long however).  Later that night we were showing Mom the ski video of him wiping out.

Cooper told us the reason he wiped out was that he was trying to do a hockey-style stop like his instructor.




Fletcher continues to be a happy little guy.  All smiles.





Cooper lost his second bottom front tooth today (and the other one two days earlier). The two new teeth were already coming in behind the baby teeth.






Cooper still loves to give Fletcher attention.









Eating solid food for the first time.  Not a big fan.




Cooper likes to play pirates and has started getting Fletcher into the act



Cooper was nervous about riding the ski lift for the first time but loved it once he realized it was easy. He went down a short Green run back and forth with his instructor and then went up with Dad and just bombed down the run fast.



Skiing with classmate Anna







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