March 2008


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3/2: Cooper and I were playing Monopoly Jr.  I owed him $4 and gave him a $5 bill.  I said what does that mean?  He thought about it and said "You're giving me a tip!"


3/4: Cooper and I were discussing getting a gift for Grandma's birthday and I said that I knew she had ripped her spring jacket but I didn't know if she had gotten a new one.  He said "Why don't you just call and ask her and then say 'Ok, I was just curious.'  You don't want her to know why you're asking"


3/19: Fletcher rolled from his back to his tummy


Hiking at Castlewood Canyon State Park.



Smile, smile, smile.  Fletcher is a very happy guy.  He had some vacinations this month and was crying. The nurse went up to him to say goodbye and he gave her a big smile even as the tears were rolling down his face.   









Cooper, Sierra, and Grant getting ready to go tubing at Copper Mountain




Sierra really liked holding Fletcher




Cooper wanted to show Michelle how he could ski (she had not come up for any if his lessons). He wanted to show Michelle how he learned so he wanted to go through every stage of his learning

(smallest magic carpet...medium magic carpet...)













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