January 2008


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Fletcher is a very happy little guy.  He's very smiley. Trying out the exercauser at Grandma and Grandpa T's



Sledding at Mom's childhood sledding hill in Illinois




Really relaxed after nursing







Cooper, Fletcher, and Great Aunt Mary



Cooper is very into playing pirates lately.  He dresses up and takes on a new persona. His voice gets very deep.  We search out and kill a three-headed werewolf for some reason. Michelle recently was playing with Cooper and went into a room to slay a werewolf.  She went to the corner, pulled out her sword, and slayed the werewolf only to have Cooper say, "What are you doing??? There's no werewolf there."  Another time she took two swings.  Cooper ran up and took a third swing and told her she needed to get all three heads each time.



Michelle remembers this book as one of her favorites when she was a little girl.







Throughout the week Grandpa T started getting more into character




Cooper's homework was to choose a virtue from a list and write about how he exemplifies it. He sounded out all of the words by himself. He does a great job and prints nicely.



Fletcher's neck is getting stronger.



Fletcher likes to eat.  He's put on weight but is much smaller then Cooper at the same age.  Fletch is very easy going EXCEPT when he wants to eat.  When he wants to eat he wants to eat immediately and he gets mad if he doesn't get food right away.



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