April 2007


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4/5: We went out to dinner in Page Arizona with two colleagues - Aaron and Kris.  At the end of dinner music was playing and Cooper asked them to dance.  Both were gracious and started dancing next to the table with Cooper.  When it was time to go Cooper leaned to us and said "I think they liked my moves"


4/18: Cooper was showing us how to jump off of a swing and he was giving step by step instructions as he showed us. He messed up when he did it, stopped, and said "OK, don't copy any of that"


4/18: Cooper told us "I hurt my vertebrae" when he jumped off the swing and landed on his bottom.


4/19: Cooper asked me "did you hear my situation?" before telling Mom a problem he was having (he had just told Dad)


Hiking by the Virgin River at Zion National Park in the Temple of Siniwava. Cooper still pretty much takes Hippo everywhere but he's left the house without him a couple of times this month to our surprise.


For more shots of this trip click here




Hiking the Canyon Overlook Trail at Zion National Park




Playing at Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park - Utah




Swimming at Lake Powell Resort




We made it back from our trip just in time to color Easter eggs




Cooper loved searching for Easter eggs.  We had multiple rounds of hiding and seeking and are still finding eggs around our house a month and a half later.








At the end of April and first part of May we traveled to Philadelphia for two weeks. During the trip we also visited New Jersey and New York and went to Ellis Island, Statue of Liberty, Independence Hall, Valley Forge, and the World Trade Center.


Playing with water balloons with cousins Bridget and Kevin.





Playing with Bridget and Katie.  Cooper told us that they seem like sisters to him.




Hiking on the grounds of Swarthmore College



Tom, Katie, Sue, Bridget, Kevin and Cooper






We drove to Liberty State Park in New Jersey to take the ferry to Ellis Island and Statue of Liberty. We came back to Manhattan and walked from Battery Park to the World Trade Center site.

We then took a really small water taxi back across the Hudson River to New Jersey. The highlight of the entire trip for Cooper was the 10 minute trip on the little water taxi.


Liberty State Park looking at Lower Manhattan.  The World Trade Center towers rose right behind Michelle's head.



Cooper was excited to become a Junior Ranger at Ellis Island.

Michelle is about 5 months pregnant here.  The last time we were at Ellis Island, she was about 5 months pregnant with Cooper.



Maybe Cooper was getting tired but he was not too excited about visiting the Statue of Liberty. It was a really windy day and he was a little nervous being outside at the base of the statue. Access to the Statue is limited to the pedestal since 9/11.



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