March 2007


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3/7: Cooper gets up as soon as he sees daylight.  I explained to him that it was getting light earlier and that just because he sees light, it doesn't mean it's time to get up.  Shortly after that we heard a crow cawing outside.  He said "Hey Mom - that must be the early bird.  I bet he's looking for a worm!" 


Cooper took swimming lessons this month, but they didn't go very well.  He doesn't like to go into the deeper water and he didn't connect well with his swim instructor.  He actually really likes to play in the water and can do all of the things he's supposed to do in the lessons, but he needs to do things at his own pace.  When we went on vacation he had a blast playing at the pool - diving down for his superhero dive toys and practicing his swimming and floating.  




Waiting for the doctor at Michelle's 13.5 week checkup



Celebrating with Nicholas and Samantha on their Baptism day



Letterboxing at Dinosaur Ridge.



During our hike we stopped for a snack. The red rocks behind my head are part of the Red Rocks natural amphitheater.



On our trip at the end of the month, Cooper grabbed the camera.  It is always fun seeing things from his point of view.  He also is now taking very nice shots of us.


For more pictures from the trip, click here.


Capital Reef National Park



Hiking in Goblin Valley State Park (Utah)



Cooper loves to do Jr. Ranger activities to earn his Jr. Ranger badges at National Parks. Here he is trying to find insects.



Hiking at Kodachrome State Park (Utah)



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