May 2007


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5/13: Cooper learned to ride a bike without training wheels.


5/25: Michelle has been put on lifting restrictions by her doctor.  Cooper heard this and he has been trying hard to be a big help.  He constantly reminds Michelle not to do things and offers to do them himself.  He says it's his job to be a good big brother and that means making sure the baby is healthy.


Cooper was so excited to ride commuter trains while we were in Philadelphia.  Michelle and Cooper took the trains out to Frank and Sue's house and Aunt Ann's house.



Cooper loves doing crafts and had fun with Clare



He also had a blast with Bridget and Katie



Independence Hall





Hiking with Great Aunt Ann at Valley Forge National Historical Park



We took Cooper's training wheels off today and they are gone for good.  On his first attempt Cooper biked away.  Within an hour he was taking off by himself, turning, skidding to stops, and ringing

his bell to let people know he was going to pass them.  He did not wipe out once. He took to it quickly and had a lot of fun.




In mid-June Uncle Jim moved to Fort Collins.  Cooper was excited to help unload the truck and still claims to have done the most work out of any of us unloading it.  He's excited to have Uncle Jim near us.  He also wanted to bring up his bike and show Uncle Jim and Grandpa W how he rides.



Cooper is starting Kindergarten in August.  We had an open house today and he got to meet his teacher. As of a few weeks ago, he's been apprehensive about going to school telling us that he plans to stay home with mom.  Then one day he came out and told us that he's been thinking about it more and school is going to be OK.  With the way Coop operates, we feel confident that it will be OK for him now.  He was excited to meet his teacher and see his classroom.  I think it was comforting to see things in his classroom like at home (buddies, dinosaurs, coins, paper, crayons...)  He also really liked to see all the kid's artwork on the hallway walls.  Cooper is really into doing crafts these days.




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