October 2009


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10/5: Cooper went to basketball camp while he was off track.  He had a lot of fun and learned some new skills.


10/6: Cooper turned 8 today!


10/18: Fletcher doesn't really like to sit still in church.  He likes to play with cars and move around.  Today during mass when the bells rang he started saying "Ding, Ding".  


10/31: Fletcher went as Mickey Mouse for Halloween.  He really liked trick-or-treating.  We thought he would just want to go up and down our street and then go in the house.  When we got back to our house to take him in, he started yelling "No, no!"  We asked if he wanted to do more trick-or-treating and he said yes.


Cooper turned 8 today.



Fletcher really liked the taste of this barbecue sauce.



The sea lions were barking at each other and it was pretty funny.



Cooper with his birthday cake. He requested white cake with chocolate buttercream frosting. He decided it was good but he likes chocolate cake with regular buttercream frosting better.



Fletcher trying on his new Halloween costume. He didn't want to put it on at first, but then he got excited when he saw himself in the mirror.




Cooper liked this little caterpillar we found on our nature walk.  He liked it until it went to the bathroom.




Fletcher was very excited to wear Cooper's sunglasses!



We ran across a couple of snakes. Both boys pet the snake and it just sat there enjoying the sunlight.



Fletcher saying hello to the grasshopper.




Fletcher right before his first haircut.



Fletcher did not like getting his haircut.  He cried and cried.





Fletcher gets really excited to see Uncle Jim.




Cooper and Dad climbing towards the top of Castle Rock. It got a little sketchy a little higher up and he decided to come back down. Dad and Uncle Jim went to the top.  Cooper said he'd try it another time.





Fletcher wasn't crazy about going into the snow this first time. He enjoyed sitting on the step, catching snowflakes, and watching Cooper build a snowman.





Fletcher loves to play with trains and cars.



Fletcher liked the snow a little more this time and wanted to help us shovel.





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