November 2009


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11/7: Cooper asked if he could have another cookie.  Fletcher looked at him and said "Sure".  (Our answer was no).  This whole exchange typifies both Cooper and Fletcher's personalities.


11/12: Fletcher was helping me get his 'bucket' ready to go up for a nap  (he brings toys up for his nap).  When we had it ready I asked him if he wanted me to carry him too and he said "Nope. I'm fine."


11/21: Fletcher's right bottom molar is starting to poke through.


11/29: Fletcher's top two year molars are starting to poke through the gums.


11/30: Cooper got bumped while playing football at recess.  He got a bloody nose and a slight chip on his front left tooth.


Click here for a goodnight call from Fletcher


Cooper November 2009.jpg



Denver Botanical Gardens at Chatfield





Denver Botanical Gardens at Chatfield






Building a bird feeder.  Cooper is getting more handy with a hammer.











Cooper wanted to put the whole tree up by himself.  He did a great job!




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