July 2009


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7/16: Fletcher woke up from his nap and I could hear him babbling a little bit, but I was letting him wake up more before I went to get him.  Then he started saying "Mommy where are you?"


7/17: Fletcher started saying "Cooper" and "Coop" today.  Usually he says "boopah" or "poopah", he finally got the C sound.  Cooper was very excited.


7/18: Fletcher said "Bless you" when I sneezed.  He said it by himself - nobody else had said it first.  He did it again later when Grandpa sneezed.


All the cousins except Sarah (on dad's side) in Rockford




Playing with Daniel at G&G W's house





Tired after a long day of playing and no nap




Playing with Cooper and Uncle Jim at Alpine Park in Rockford





We had rain all day on the 4th of July but still had a good time at the Beecher parade



Beecher carnival



Reading with Aunt Mary. Each page starts with a sound like "clang, clang, clang." Mary taught Fletcher all of the different sounds and he loves to read this book and lead off every page.



Grandpa taught Cooper how to shoot a BB gun.  Cooper was very excited and wanted to shoot every day. He told me he hit a pop can on his first shot.  I asked him if he thought he was good or just lucky and he admitted he was lucky on his first shot. 





Fishing at Aunt Mary's house






Fletcher really liked this doll house at G&G T's house.  Michelle brought it back home.  A few days later Fletcher was yelling "help, help! I'm stuck"  He tried to squeeze through a tiny door and got stuck.



Playing with Abby, Aerin, Katie, and Kevin in Illinois



Winnie and Ann Marie (and Kevin and Ramona) visited us as they passed through town




Michelle's cousin Dan and his wife Lisa visited us while on vacation.



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