August 2009


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8/17: The highlight of Fletcher's week is when the garbage truck picks up trash.  This week he was in his high-chair eating when we heard it coming. We quickly got him down and he started running to the front window.  On his way he noticed that Cooper wasn't coming too so he stopped and yelled "Cooper!  Hurry!" and waited for him until he came.  When he was at the window watching the garbage truck he turned back to us and said "I so happy"


8/18: Fletcher put his finger up his nose in the car tonight and I told him to stop.  Before he took it out Cooper swatted his hand away.  Fletcher immediately replied "Hey!  I'm a baby" (which is what we tell Cooper when he's being too rough with Fletch)


Cooper and Daniel at the Golden alpine slide.




Fletcher and Christopher.  A little jealousy exists when they play with each other's toys.



Cooper and Michaela.



Christopher, Sarah, Cooper, Michaela, Bridget, Katie, and Daniel.



Cooper and Daniel





Cheyenne Mountain Zoo



Fletcher was terrified of this bear and was concerned for Cooper




Fletcher was a little intimidated by the giraffes




Albino wallaby




Katie's birthday party






Belleview Park.





Cooper is really into basketball these days.  He told me recently that he "pretty much knows everytihng there is to know about basketball."



Fletcher turned two today






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