November 2003


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Cooper's starting to watch a little more TV these days.  He loves Elmo the most but also likes Bob the Builder and Sesame Street.  This is pretty rare for Cooper to get cozy with anybody.




oop is starting to thin down a little bit but his tummy and thighs are still pretty large.  At his two-year doctor appointment last month he finally hit the growth charts at 95th to 100th percentile for weight








Playing outside at Little Twigs.  Cooper and Michelle started going to a nature center once a week with other 2 to 4 year olds.  There is usually a short indoor program and then the parents and kids go outside to learn more about whatever they talked about indoors.  Cooper loves to run around with the other kids but especially loves to fall down and get dirty.








Michelle and I gave Cooper a big group hug and then squeezed real hard.  The squeezing must have made a big impression on Coop because he started imitating us for a little while.






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