December 2003


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Cooper is starting to assert his independence a little more this month.  He tells Michelle while holding up his index finger "Hey! Mama!....NO.....NO" when she's doing something he does not like.  He also tells us to "Go away" sometimes and has been having more trouble sharing his toys with other people lately saying "No...mine."  He also tells us to "wait" when he needs to run and go get something to bring back (again while holding up his index finger).

12/30: Cooper went over by King (Grandma and Grandpa's dog) and said "race" and then started running.  He got a little ways away and noticed King wasn't moving.  He said "" to get his attention and then went back near King.  After lining up next to King again, he said "dog, race" and started running.  He thought King would race him but he didn't budge.

When Cooper woke up from his nap and saw the tree for the first time he got pretty excited.  After checking out the tree, lights and ornaments he grabbed his milk and started giving every ornament that was a person or animal a drink.  After that he put his milk down and hugged each ornament that was a person or animal.




Cooper's Great Aunt Ann came to town.  Cooper met Ann twice before - once when he was 13 months and again about 6 or 7 months ago so we weren't sure he would remember her.  However, when Cooper woke up from his nap and was told Ann was coming shortly he said "for me?"  He was so excited to see her when she arrived and has been saying "Ann" all month every time we go over to Grandpa and Grandma T's house.






We took Cooper to Winter Wonderfest on Navy Pier.  It was a great activity for kids with many rides and games. Cooper especially liked the huge slide.




Cooper was a little uncertain and anxious about sitting on Santa's lap, but didn't cry this year like he did last year.  Santa was sitting up on a stage and the kids got to go down a slide when they exited the stage.  We think the only reason Cooper sat on Santa's lap was because he really wanted to go down the slide.  Cooper told Santa he wanted Elmo for Christmas.




















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