Xi Zheng Nan (Finn)


< November 2016


In November 2016 we have decided to adopt a seven-year old boy in China named Shen Jian Feng. He is from Shenyang City, China.  His orphanage is the Shenyang City Children's Welfare Institute but he has been in foster care since 2011.  Feng will be our sixth child.









We think these photos and videos are from January / February 2017. We sent Feng a care package that included pictures of our family a little while ago. In the videos he's talking about us so he knows he is going to be adopted soon.





Lady: Little Feng, what are you making?

Lady: Why don’t you answer me?

Feng: Paper-cuts

Lady: What are you trying to make with the paper-cut?

Feng: A heart

Lady: Whom are you giving it to?

Feng: To mama.

Lady: Ah, to Mama.

Lady: Who is your good friend?

Feng: What?

Lady: Who is your good friend?  Ehm?  Who is your good friend? Do you have a good friend?

Feng: Yes!

Lady: Who?

Feng: Shen Yeng Hong!

Lady: Shen Yeng Hong is your good friend!






Lady: What can you do once you arrive at Mommy’s home? Can you wipe the table?

Feng: Yes, I can.

Lady: Then what else can little Feng do with Mama?

Feng: I can wash dishes after the meals.

Lady: You know how to clean dishes, and then?

Feng: I can brush the dishes.

Lady: You know how to brush the dishes! Can you sweep the floor?

Feng: Yes!

Lady: Little Feng is so wonderful. You fold the clothes so tidily. Whom might you play with in the new home?

Feng: I guess younger brother or the kids in the house.

Lady: Are the kids little sisters or little brothers?

Feng: Little younger sister!

Lady: Do you know how old the younger sister is?

Feng: Yes, I do know it.

Lady: You know it? How old is she?

Feng: She is only three years old.

Lady: Do you like your younger sister?

Feng: I love her.

Lady: Good grief! See how wonderfully you fold up the laundry. Excellent!













We received an update for Feng (we will call him Finn Thomas) with photos and videos taken 6/12/17. We also learned that Finn has been in a foster home since March 2011. This will be a hard transition for him.  The notes say he is a little shy and that he is excited about being adopted.













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