March 2013


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3/2: Nash laughed when Tom was making fun faces & sounds at him


3/13: Fletcher asked me if I could call him "F-Man" as a nickname


3/14: Nash is starting to take a plug (pacifier) which helps all of us!


3/15: Nash is smiling and making lots of cooing, happy noises these days


3/15: Sawyer asked me for a waffle this morning. I was having some cereal a little later and he said "cereal please". He didn't seem happy when I gave him the bowl. Then he said milk please. He gobbled it up and said "more cereal please"


3/15: Sawyer's language has really taken off in the last few days. He is repeating a lot more words.

He usually will try to say and do anything that Fletcher does. He gets jealous of Fletcher,

but he wants to be just like him. We have to watch him though - if he gets really mad at Fletcher, he'll bite him. He's bit him 3 or 4 times now and left bruises.















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