August 2008


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8/1: Cooper tried the bungee trampoline at Dad's office party.  He didn't want to go very high, but he kind of liked it.


8/1: Fletcher was clapping to the rhythm of Bad, Bad Leroy Brown.


8/4: Cooper was telling me that the lunch lady told him he could have a milk for free.  I said that didn't seem right to me.  He told me "Lunch ladies are always right."  Then a few seconds later he said "Well, at least in the lunch room."  Cooper and I were again discussing the "free milk" table at school.  I said I didn't think that sounded right. Maybe they were about to expire or other kids threw them out or something.   He said "Trust me, have I ever steered you wrong?"


8/4: Fletcher said 'bye-bye' and waved to people as we were leaving school.


8/6: Fletcher is really starting to cruise around the furniture and let go to move to a different piece of furniture.


8/19: Cooper had an eye appointment today.  He needs glasses.


8/31: Fletcher went for a hike with Mom on the Lodge Pole Loop Trail while Cooper and Dad biked.  He was on Mom's back but liked to stop and look at flowers and touch the trees.  He giggled at the flowers.


Cooper finished his first season of baseball and got his first trophy. He was so excited and asked us if we thought it was solid gold.



Wedding in Estes Park, CO




The big slide in Estes Park







Fletcher moves fast to get to the dishwasher when it is open






Cooper was excited to go in Fletcher's room to see the birthday boy






First birthday party.  Fletcher got to try ice cream and cake for the first time.





Cooper went mountain biking on a real mountain bike trail for the first time at Meyer Ranch Park. He biked on the Lodge Pole Loop Trail.  At one point he almost went over the side of the trail and down a slope.  I said that would have made a good story and he quickly replied "What??? You want to tell your friends that your son died?!?"





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