Fletcher Ultrasounds


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We have some exciting news to share.  We're expecting twins (of sorts)!

We are in the process of adopting a baby girl from China.  We received our Log In Date - 12/25/06.  That basically means that we are officially "waiting in line" to be matched with a baby.  Right now, the matches seem to be taking about 16 months from the Log In Date.  That time frame could go up or down while we're waiting, so we're anticipating that we will get our baby sometime in summer 2008.  It's still a long way off, but it's exciting to be moving forward in the process. 

Checking over the dossier package before taking it to our adoption agency.




Cooper and hippo getting ready to submit the dossier.


On the same day that we received the news of our Log In Date we received some more exciting news - we're expecting!!!  We are just thrilled.  This baby is due in September.  In all likelihood the babies will be only a few months apart.  We're so excited to be expecting two new babies in our lives in the next year and a half or so (they'll be close in age but we won't be able to go to China to get our baby until she is maybe 7 - 10 months old).  We are very lucky.

So that's the big news around here.  Cooper is very excited that he'll be getting two babies.  He's wanted to be a big brother for so long, so he feels like he's hit the jackpot.  We'll see if he still feels that way once the babies arrive!  Luckily, we have an OB who seems to love to perform ultrasounds.  We have pictures from about 7, 9, and 11 weeks and the changes in this short time frame are stunning.

Ultrasound at about 7.5 weeks.  Starting to see the start of arns and legs



Just about a week and a half later the arms and legs are more pronounced. The baby was moving around a lot.



A couple of more weeks and we can start seeing knees and feet on the 'leg' picture below.





A few more weeks...


Frontal shot.  Stomach to the left.  Head to the right.

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Frontal shot.  Can see the baby's eye.

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Baby's legs folded.  Stomach to the right.

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Head to the right.  Stomach facing down.  Bottom to the left.

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 We had an ultrasound at 22.5 weeks.  Everything looked good.  We did not find out the sex of the baby.  Below are four 3D ultrasound shots.





Two more ultrasounds at 29.5 weeks.  Michelle went to the hospital in Illinois after going into labor.   





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