May 2006


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5/9: Cooper was working on a drawing for a card and his marker went off the paper.  He said "I got a little carried away!"

5/10: Cooper kept dropping something on the floor (accidentally) and finally out of frustration said "Oh Brother!"

5/14: Cooper was trying to buckle his seat belt.  He couldn't get it but kept on trying.  Finally, he was so frustrated he yelled out "This is hopeless!"

5/15: We saw a truck and camper that had flipped over on Interstate 90 near Missoula, MT.  We pointed it out to Cooper and he said "Oh Dear!....Oopsie"

5/16: Cooper was pretending to bowl (he had a small ball but no pins).  He rolled the ball at the pretend pins and then said "I knocked down a lot of pins....if I do say so myself"

5/17: Cooper liked throwing rocks into a beach on Lake McDonald.  He said "This isn't really a beach because beaches usually are sandy.  I'll call it Rocky Beach" (and that's what he still calls it)

5/17: Cooper and Michelle were eating lunch at Rocky Beach.  Cooper looked at Michelle and said "Man, this is the life...throwing rocks in the water...eating lunch on the beach..."

5/17: Cooper kept going on the icy cold water at Rocky Beach and wanted Michelle to come in too.  She stood up without shoes and walked towards the water but the rocks on the beach were super hot and the water was too cold.  She told Cooper that the water was too cold for her. Cooper grabbed a handful of pebbles and threw them in the water saying "I'll throw these hot rocks in and it will warm it up for you"

5/17: We listened to an answering machine message from Grandma T.  At the end of the message she said she wanted to check in on Cooper to see how he was doing because he had a bad cough and they were worried about him. I didn't know Cooper was really listening until he said "Awe...that was nice"

5/28: We hiked up a short trail to the top of a large rock pile near Moraine Lake (near Lake Louise in Alberta, Canada).  After reaching the top Cooper wanted to scramble down off-trail.  He did fine.  We started walking away and he looked back at the big pile of rocks (maybe 50 feet high) and said "Did I just climb down that!" After I said yes Cooper replied "I'm a climbing genius!"

5/31: Cooper took a 4.5 mile bike ride with Michelle from West Glacier to Apgar Village.  They had lunch at Lake McDonald, Cooper threw rocks in the lake, and then they shared and ice cream cone before heading back.  Cooper was excited to tell dad that the bike path went all the way to the lake and he had ridden the whole way by himself.





We spent five weeks in Glacier National Park from mid-May to mid-June.  See more pictures from our trip by clicking here. Throwing rocks in Lake McDonald.  This water is snow melt.  Cooper loved getting in.



Back to his favorite beach (he called it Rocky Beach) on Lake McDonald. This beach is just south of Lake McDonald Lodge at a little pull-out.


For Memorial Day weekend we traveled north to Banff.  We had a great time in the Banff Hot Springs (we went every day). Cooper also enjoyed the historic Cave and Basin where these shots were taken. Michelle and I got engaged in this area just downslope on the Bow River in the Winter.



We had a great bike path near our house in the park.  It went from West Glacier to Apgar and Lake McDonald.  Just off the path was this nice lake.


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