May 2004


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Cooper took a cookie even though mom told him no  (He really already had it before she noticed)  He got scolded and then Michelle told him he could eat it this time.  He took it and ran over to Grandma and said "Me a lucky boy."

Cooper went for a walk around the circle with Mom and G&G T.  He was worried and said "Car hit me."  Then he took Grandpa's hand and Grandpa told him he'd be OK holding his hand.  He said "I know Baba, I know.  I love you Baba.  You're my buddy"

Cooper and Dad went to the park to play.  We stopped by G&G T's house on the way home.  Grandpa asked where Michelle was and Cooper told him it was "just the guys."

Cooper and Dad were playing the G&G T's house.  We were running around the backyard with Hippo when Cooper heard the kids across the street playing outside.  He asked to go over to see them.  Heading over he handed Hippo to me.  A few steps later he handed me his plug.  He then said.."He says, What?!  Baby!"  He was referring to the little boy across the street referring to him as a baby if he had his Hippo and plug.  When we were done playing and safely back in G&G T's yard he asked for the plug and hippo back.

Cooper and Michelle were looking at themselves in the mirror with their heads right next to each other as Michelle was about to change his diaper.  Cooper said "Me have brown eyes.  You have green eyes."   Later, Cooper was listening as Michelle told G&G T what he said about our eyes.  Then Grandpa asked him what color Daddy's eyes were.  Cooper said "Brown, like mine."

Cooper was doing a silly laugh and he said "That's a funny laugh!"











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