December 2004


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Cooper kept asking the same question over and over.  Mom told him to stop asking the same thing.  He said "Ok, Ok, relax"  Then he said "Just be patient"

Cooper liked one of the presents he'd just opened and he was looking at it and said "I love everything about my life."

Cooper sat on the potty but couldn't go.  He looked at me and said "It's no use....I can't go."

Cooper heard us talking about what we needed to do today.  He said "I need to do a little work and then hit the road!"

We went to Hammond Candy's 4th Annual Candy Cane Festival.  Cooper sat on Santa's lap (and let him know right away he wanted Geo-Trax), saw reindeer, listened to carolers, and toured the factory where they make candy canes.

To make candy canes, they take a big blob of pink soft candy (flavoring and scraps from previous batches) and wrap it up in the red and white concoction.  They then start rolling it out - part by machine and then by hand.  Once they get it small enough a person cuts it with a pair of scissors, another person then puts the hook in by hand and they send them on to be wrapped by hand.  They said they are proud to still be using their 1920 process.  It was pretty un-automated.  The candy canes were different than you normally see in a store.  They were thick and big and not a true white (they don't use bleach).


























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