June 2003


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6/21: We flew back to Chicago arriving about 9:30 PM.  While waiting for our baggage, a little girl was sitting on the ground crying near her mom.  Cooper was very concerned.  Cooper and I walked over to the little girl and Cooper handed her his hippo to comfort her.










Train ride at the Denver zoo.  When we sat down in the train I had my arm around Cooper's shoulder.  He took my hand and put it on the side railing of the car.  He then took it again and moved it to the bench behind his head.  He then took it one more time and placed it on my lap.  I guess I was cramping his style.  About half way through the ride though he got a little insecure and crawled up onto my lap.




Taking a break while walking around Bear Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park with Grandma W.






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