February 2003


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2/12: Cooper grabbed Mom's hand to put it on his toes to do This Little Piggy.....Dad was already doing it with the right foot....he wanted both of us to do it.


2/13: Cooper got a Valentine from the Crowes.  It had a heart inside it.  He immediately went to the window to put it on.  (we have lots of cling hearts on the windows).


2/13: Cooper wanted a kiss from Dad and leaned his head out and puckered up.  (Dad had just given Mom a kiss on the top of the head).


2/14: Cooper got some new books for Valentine's Day.  He was very excited when he opened them.


2/20: Cooper said duck and clock today when we were pointing things out to him.


2/23: Cooper leaned over Mom to give Grandma W a kiss.


2/27: Cooper enjoys hiding things and pretending he doesn't know where they are.  Yesterday he was sitting on the floor and hid his pacifier under his leg.  He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders with his palms up in the air as if to say 'where did it go?'  Today he hid Hippo in the cabinet part of our end table.  He would do the shrug and then we'd say 'where's hippo?' and he'd show us and laugh.















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