Backpacking in Yosemite National Park



Summer 2001

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 In August 2001 I took a 9 day backpacking trip in Yosemite National Park with a couple friends.  We hiked about 80-90 miles and spent most of our time in the Yosemite high country as opposed to Yosemite Valley.  However, we did start our journey in the Valley (about 4,000 ft elevation) and hiked to Tuolumne Meadows in two days (about 8,000 - 9,000 ft elevation).  It was about 27 miles with 21 miles of it being uphill.  The rest of the hikes were 8-15 mile day hikes near Tuolumne Meadows.  I had never been to the Yosemite high country before.  It exceeded all of my expectations.  Every hike was wonderful and the scenery was spectacular.

The highlight of the Yosemite Valley to Tuolumne Meadows hike was hiking up the backside of Half Dome.  The final
ascent of Half Dome consists of pulling yourself up chains hanging down a  45 degree to 60 degree slope.  The chains can
be seen in the picture below.  Click on the picture to see a higher definition and larger picture.


This is a view at the top of Half Dome looking down Yosemite Valley.   That's me in the white shirt with

dark shorts.  See the person standing near the edge of the slope?  There is someone actually sitting to

the right of him right on the edge.  Crazy place to sit since it is a few thousand foot drop off.


Hiking down from Half Dome looking up Yosemite Valley


View from 10,800 ft Mt Hoffman.  This peak is at the center of Yosemite and offers great views

in all directions.  The dome to the right side of the picture is Half Dome.  The chains were hanging

down the left side of the rock.  The big rock face to the left of the picture is called Cloud's Rest.

The rock face from top to bottom is about 4,500 ft - the height of 3 Sears Towers!


May Lake is on the trail to Mt. Hoffman.  My hiking partner Tom is on the trail in the lower right side of the picture.


After each of our day hikes we would take a swim in Teneya Lake.  The water

was cold but felt good after hiking.  That's me relaxing on a rock in the water.


Sitting on North Dome across Yosemite Valley from Half Dome.  Cloud's Rest is the slope in the background.


Stream at the start of a hike in Lyell Canyon


View from near Mono Pass looking towards Nevada.  Mono Lake is in the background (to the left) but is

slightly washed out in this picture.  In this area just behind us were glaciated peaks and an old gold

mining camp.  Log cabins are still intact at the gold mining camp which dates to the 1840's.
We went off trail from the gold mining camp and hiked to Parker Pass at 11,000 ft.  Great hike.


On our way out of the park we stopped by the Mariposa Grove of Sequoia Trees.  Pictures don't

do these trees justice.  They are the largest living things around and some are over 3,000 years old.

They are only found in the Sierra Nevada mountain range at elevations between 4,000 to 7,000 ft. 

Here's the famous tree tunnel which was carved out a long time ago as a tourist attraction.







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