Touring the West Coast



Spring 1999

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Before moving from Southern California to Philadelphia for business school, we decided to drive up the west coast and camp in many of the national parks along the way.  We camped on the beach in Redwoods National Park, caved in Oregon Caves National Monument, hiked through the Hoh Rainforest in Olympic National Park, saw the destruction of Mt. St. Helens, and saw the fog of Cascades National Park and Mt. Rainier National Park.  We also happened to be on the Makah Indian reservation when the indians were whaling.

Olympic National Park was a highlight of the trip.  It had a little bit of everything - beach and ocean, rainforest, and glaciated mountains.  Mt. St. Helens was also stunning.  We hoped to go back and explore more and hopefully see Cascades National Park and Mt. Rainer National Park when they are not so foggy and overcast.



Olympic National Park and the Pacific Ocean







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