Camping in Death Valley National Park


March 8th - 10th, 1996

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In March 1996, I camped and hiked in Death Valley National Park with Michelle, Brad, Kelly, Brian, Colleen and Della.  We took three cars from Southern California.  I drove with Kelly and Michelle and we nearly ran out of gas near Death Valley in the middle of the night.  We were driving on fumes.  Brad and Shirin were also very low.  They ended up sleeping in Brad's truck 60 miles away at a local gas station.  After filling up in the morning they joined us at our campsite at Furnace Creek.  


The next day we packed up camp and hike in Golden Canyon (it was alright), went to Devil's Golfcourse, hiked to Natural Bridge and drove Artists Drive and Palette and went to Badwater - the lowest point in elevation in the U.S. at about 250' below sea level (The highest point in the continental U.S. (Mt. Whitney at about 14,500') is less than 200 miles away).  We then drove north to check out sand dunes.



Brian, Brad, Kelly, Colleen and Tom at Artist's Palette



We decided to camp the next night at a higher elevation and eventually set up camp on the west side of the park near Telescope Peak (~11,000').  Our Mahogony Flats campsight (around 8,000') provided great views of the valley and salt flat below.  There was plenty of snow on the ground and we definitely needed 4x4's to get up there.  The night was a little chilly since we were actually camping on the snow.  On the way to our campsight we passed some interesting and abandoned charcoal kilns.  It was funny to see anything near the campsight since the area is so undeveloped.


Brad, Colleen, Della, Kelly, Tom and Brian at one of the chatcoal kilns



I'd consider camping at the Mahogony Flats campsight again for a longer period of time.  Very few people were around and access would be easy without snow.



Devil's Golfcourse

Our mountain campsite is in the peak in the background.






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