Southwest Canyons



October 2006

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In October 2006 we travelled to Glen Canyon National Recreation Area for work/fun.

On the way there we visited Curecanti National Recreation Area,

Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, and Hovenweep National Monument.

While at Glen Canyon we also visited Antelope Canyon in Navajo lands, Lees Ferry (where

Glen Canyon and Grand Canyon meet), and briefly Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.

On the way back we spent about two days at Canyonlands National Park.



Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park.  We drove the south rim trail near the end of the day.

Most of the time we could not see the bottom of the canyon since it is so deep and dark.




We spent the night in Montrose, CO before heading south towards Telluride.

The scenery south of Montrose is stunning.







Twin Towers across the valley at Hovenweep.  The valley has a number of structures

built right on the rim of the canyon.



We spent our first day in the Glen Canyon area hiking in Lower and Upper Antelope Canyons.

These are famous slot canyons located on Navajo lands.  Cooper was leery to get dirty

but otherwise enjoyed the canyons.


Entering Lower Antelope Canyon.  The canyon starts as a crack at ground level and slowly widens.




The next three shots were taken in Upper Antelope Canyon.  We have fewer

good shots in this canyon since it was darker when we were hiking this canyon.



Michelle and Cooper (and Hippo) toured the Glen Canyon dam.





Horseshoe Bend a few miles south of the dam.  Cooper scrambled up some adjacent

rocks to a horizontal crack in the rock.  When he got close to the crack Michelle and

Cooper heard the rattle of a rattle snake that was in the crack.  



Michelle and Cooper visited Lees Ferry but a quick and strong storm interrupted their day trip.

Winds at Glen Canyon might have hit 50 mph.  At Lees Ferry Michelle and Cooper were stopped

at a construction site.  The construction worker holding the stop sign tried valiantly to keep his

position in the storm but the stop sign kept hitting him in the head.





Michelle and Cooper visited the Toadstools in the Big Water-Kanab Area

of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument





Getting sworn in as a Junior Ranger at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area (he also became one

at Hovenweep and Canyonlands on this trip).





On our way back home we spent about two days visiting Canyonlands National Park.

Newspaper Rock just outside the Needles District of Canyonlands.





Cooper really got into scrambling on rocks during this trip.  Hiking in the Needles District.




Wooden Shoe Arch.  There was a group campsite near here that looks nice for a longer stay.



The next day we hiked in the Island in the Sky District of Canyonlands.

This following two shots were taken on top of Whale Rock.



Hiking the trail at Grand View Point.  The famous White Rim Trail is along the rim below.








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