Our Wedding



August 1999

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After a long engagement, we got married on 14 August 1999 in Chicago.  We both had a great time.  Everything worked out as we hoped it would (and a lot better than we expected it would).  We were very lucky too.  Our church had no air conditioning but the weather cooperated with 70 degree temperatures and little humidity.  Sunny skies too.  The ceremony was a mass and the priest was a character - he certainly kept everything pretty loose.  We had a violinist playing all songs except one and she sounded wonderful.  Michelle's brother Mike played and sang The Wedding Song during the lighting of the unity candle.  It was a very nice personal touch and the song sounded very good.  Thanks again Mike.







Tom's niece and nephew Sarah and Adam were the flower girl and ring bearer



The wedding party from left to right: Mike, Lisa, Andy, Diane, Greg and Teresa







There was a lag between the end of mass and the formal reception so everyone was invited back to Michelle's parent's house for an informal reception which was very nice.  It was good to be able to have a couple more hours to talk to everybody because once we got to the reception hall it was difficult to see everyone (sorry).   The night went very fast.  Michelle and I also took extra pictures at a nearby park after the ceremony and before going to her house.  Michelle's cousin has a limo and brought it for us which was very nice.  Michelle's mom made a lot of great food for the occasion and surprised us with a beautiful flag commemorating the day. 




Michelle and I and the bridal party were a little late getting to the reception hall so we kind of blew it with regards to having a receiving line (again we're sorry).  The reception was great.  We had a really fun time and I think most of our guests did too.  Kids were invited to the reception which Michelle and I think is a lot of fun.   We had a large permanent tent like structure (my brother-in-law joked that we were having a circus themed wedding before he actually saw the tent which was beautiful) adjacent to the reception hall.  The more rambunctious kids (which were usually boys) generally stayed outside chasing each other around while the younger girls stayed inside trying to get close to Michelle who looked beautiful.  (going over to open gifts on Sunday my niece Sarah who is 2.5 years old asked if the other Michelle would be at the house - my sister asked her what she meant and she responded 'Michelle with the dress')




We opened gifts on Sunday.  My immediate family came over to Michelle's house for it.  Most of the wedding party was already gone Sunday morning having traveled from so far away.  My friend Andy came over from Paris, Greg came from Phoenix, Teresa came from Dallas, Mike came from Richmond, and Diane and Lisa from the Chicago area.   Thank you all for coming.

After the gift opening came the hard part of the weekend.....Michelle drove me to the airport.  I had to take off Sunday night for Philadelphia.  Michelle will be joining me in a few weeks.  We plan to take a full honeymoon next summer since we can't take one now due to school.  We may be able to take a couple of days someplace in the mountains (or somewhere) after Michelle gets to Philadelphia.











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